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May 30, 2024, 01:00:55 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: Hello Folks! I hope all is well with you and you are looking forward to the weekend. I will be on the server Sunday.

May 27, 2024, 12:43:40 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: No problem, Rob...checked yesterday, but will not be available today. I hope all of you have a nice week!

May 27, 2024, 11:26:52 AM !TTM!HeadUK says: Sorry Mark for not being on at the weekend, but Zed and Taffy were not available to join me on the server.

May 21, 2024, 03:41:40 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: Sorry I missed everyone this weekend...went on both days but found server empty. Have a good week!

April 08, 2024, 05:30:11 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: I'll be on the server today! 🤞

February 24, 2024, 03:30:28 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: Hello Rob...thank goodness, I was becoming concerned, M8.

February 23, 2024, 07:59:51 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: Hi all and Mark. I'll pm you mark shortly .

January 29, 2024, 09:38:56 AM !TTM!DonPietro 比利 says: Lol wow neo, that's a blast from the past.  Hope all are doing well?

January 17, 2024, 02:46:00 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: "!TTM!HeadUK says: The player Leo that was on the server last night was NEO lol." Yes, I had already had some interaction with him at an earlier date...the more the merrier!

January 08, 2024, 02:13:01 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: Cheers Tom.

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Another year been and gone

Started by -)DL(-Shane, December 31, 2015, 05:18:17 PM

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well guys  it seems another year has been and gone

i would like to thank all of you for the support you have given to the !TTM! clan  from playing on our servers to helping covering the costs by donating funds towards the running costs

we will continue to run our servers into 2016 and see what new games come out and if then clan moves into hosting servers for these newer games too

i know we already a great team of server admins helping stop cheaters on our servers we will always need more help to keep cheaters off the server this doesnt have to be admins but just players who are willing to let us know whats going on and hopefully with some evidence like a screenshot or video showing the cheater

i hope to see you all in 2016



We would all like to thank you  for your time and effort at !TTM! you have made Dayz a part of !TTM! against the odds in my opinion. With it being in beta for a start off,  i never thought it would take off like it has ;)

Well done to you and all the  !TTM! Dayz clan.

Happy New Year to you all  :D


My dear friends of TTM,

I want to thank you all for all the fun you guys have brought me.
Especially i want to thank the persons that keep ttm a running community. TTM has always been a community i return to once in a while. TTM was my introduction to the social aspect of gaming, those 8 long years ago. That social aspect has been an important aspect kf my gamechoice ever since.

The people in this community and the memories od that start so long ago makes me wanting to return to our servers once in a while. Thankyou all for making TTM what it is.

I wish you all a terrificly good newyears and a happy and healthy 2016.



Very well said Shane and others, and the same applies from me :). I go into 2016 with a toe missing, but I still come back fighting and dedicating myself into keeping !TTM! interesting and great :).

We have some great dedicated members, and those members have and will continue to receive a high clan position due to their dedication. We also have driftwood members who only play whenever they feel like it, and those members will never gain any of the full benefits that !TTM! can offer.

Yes we were purely a cod 4 clan 8 years ago, but times change and !TTM! has tried to change with the times. We are very willing to host any new games, as long as the members are willing to help finance those games with donations.   

Shane and other dedicated DayZ members/Admin have proven we can change with the times, and I thank Shane and those for putting our Dayz server high on the list of top DayZ servers :d.

Our cod 4 servers are still attracting players old and new, and I have no intentions of shutting down any of those servers whilst they continue to attract our members and regular players. I would like to thank !TTM!Biggles (Andy) for financing the H/C server over the past 2 months :d.

Our cod 4 Admin and Executives are very dedicated, but there's still room for improvement and attracting more players to the server. Any suggestions in achieving that will be gratefully appreciated :).

The BF4 server is still getting full every day at some point, and I thank !TTM!Hustler and Nutty Rob for all the effort they have contributed to keeping that server busy :c.

!TTM!Reepa has recently contributed ARMA 3 to our list of servers, and I truly thank him for that :). We will support Rees as much as possible in 2016 into putting that server within the top 10.

All in all 2015 has been a decent year for !TTM!, and yes we've had our ups and downs with certain members that have caused upset within the servers or website. Those members were dealt with in a true professional manner by us clan leaders and Executives, beings we will not tolerate any member upsetting other members within the clan.

The clan leaders and Executives/Admins are always available to help and deal with problem members or server problems, and that's something you will never experience in most gaming clans.  I'm just so proud to be part of a gaming clan that has a touch of class above most others, and my dedication will never cease.
I now take this opportunity to thank all our dedicated members and wish everyone a happy 2016 :ty :c :a.  :Firew :Firew :Firew :Firew


Hey guys just like to take this opportunity to wish every a great 2016 and to thank you all for keeping the clan and servers going. Lets hope that during 2016 TTM continues to go from strength to strength.
Due to personal problems I've not be able to game or to visit the website much, but I feel proud to be part of this clan and will endeavour to be more active if circumstances allow in the coming year.

Happy new year everyone



Just like to say thankyou to shane and the other admins and members of !TTM! for making the clan a welcoming and friendly environment, I look forward to a new year under the !TTM! roof.

Thanks guys and a happy new year :)



Hi guys

Just to say that the forum is just great and although I don't play now I come and see you every day.

You run a great clan and you never know I may start playing again, I know yogi and twiz and played with them for many years.

Have a great 2016 and keep safe.

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