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May 30, 2024, 01:00:55 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: Hello Folks! I hope all is well with you and you are looking forward to the weekend. I will be on the server Sunday.

May 27, 2024, 12:43:40 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: No problem, Rob...checked yesterday, but will not be available today. I hope all of you have a nice week!

May 27, 2024, 11:26:52 AM !TTM!HeadUK says: Sorry Mark for not being on at the weekend, but Zed and Taffy were not available to join me on the server.

May 21, 2024, 03:41:40 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: Sorry I missed everyone this weekend...went on both days but found server empty. Have a good week!

April 08, 2024, 05:30:11 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: I'll be on the server today! 🤞

February 24, 2024, 03:30:28 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: Hello Rob...thank goodness, I was becoming concerned, M8.

February 23, 2024, 07:59:51 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: Hi all and Mark. I'll pm you mark shortly .

January 29, 2024, 09:38:56 AM !TTM!DonPietro 比利 says: Lol wow neo, that's a blast from the past.  Hope all are doing well?

January 17, 2024, 02:46:00 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: "!TTM!HeadUK says: The player Leo that was on the server last night was NEO lol." Yes, I had already had some interaction with him at an earlier date...the more the merrier!

January 08, 2024, 02:13:01 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: Cheers Tom.

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Corona Virus

Started by !TTM!HeadUK, March 20, 2020, 03:11:07 PM

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I have no objections to any member or registered user from conveying their thoughts about this subject, especially if it's affecting you or a close family member. Your views and thoughts are more than welcome  :).
My younger brother is in a care home after suffering a stroke just over a year ago, and myself and my sister have been told to phone before attempting to visit him as visits may be suspended from this coming Monday. Not that it bother's me too much, beings i'm staying home as much as possible now during this world crises.

I just pity most working mothers, who'l now have to give up their part time employment whilst the schools across the UK close from this Monday till September.  A lovely long extended spring/summer holiday for the kids, but that's no good if they cant go out and play or go abroad this coming summer. The poor mums are going to suffer badly  :o.   


Yes, M8...I really didn't wish to reply to this as it can be so partisan politically. I will just say, at my plant, we have changed our work schedule due to this and I know many people who are either out of jobs or are working less hours...I am currently helping a couple of folks out that are having a time of it because of reduced hours. We all must help one another in as much as we can. Even if we have no means to help financially, just a quick text or word of encouragement can mean so much. I pray that you are all ok during this event.
"...the essence of the evil government is that it anticipates bad conduct on the part of its citizens. Any government which assumes that the population is going to do something evil has already lost its franchise to govern. The tacit contract between a government and the people governed is that the government will trust the people and the people will trust the government. But once the government begins to mistrust the people it is governing, it loses its mandate to rule because it is no longer acting as a spokesman for the people, but is acting as an agent of persecution."-Philip K. Dick


Thanks for your concern and contribution to this topic mark. I'm staying home and avoiding going out unless really necessary. I got two gardens and my greenhouse to keep me happy, beings its spring and seeding time for most garden/greenhouse vegetables accept cabbage, runner beans and cauliflower. They get put into seeding trays/pots during the middle of April.

I've also taken up playing the guitar again to keep me occupied if and when i get bored, and I've purchased 5 guitars this year so far. I purchased a 20 year old Torino red Fender Stratocaster (The same as Hank Marvin/Mark Knopfler play) and a brand new Cherry red hard tailed Mexican Fender Stratocaster. I also have a Indonesian Fender electro acoustic guitar and a Japanese Ibanez acoustic. I also purchased a cheap £20 electric Pink strat copy guitar, that I use purely for wall art/decoration in my bedroom lol.   

My Podiatry/foot appointment this week has now been cancelled until further notice, so I'll be changing my own foot dressing every other day for the time being. Visiting my brother has also now been suspended until further notice, so that's going to pee him off a bit if he cant see myself or my sister every week. The only visitor I've had this week was my landlord who dropped off a new front door lock to me, and asked me to fit it and issue new keys to all the tenants  :).


Hey Rob, didn't realize you were so into music. I have an Ibanez, but my Alvarez that I purchased over 30 yrs ago is my baby. I really enjoy music...I have written a few songs with the latest being about my grandson's tragic suicide. I find putting my feelings into song is therapeutic. I also have started playing my guitars as a means of stress relief. Make sure to take care of your foot issue and don't let it get in a bad way, M8.
"...the essence of the evil government is that it anticipates bad conduct on the part of its citizens. Any government which assumes that the population is going to do something evil has already lost its franchise to govern. The tacit contract between a government and the people governed is that the government will trust the people and the people will trust the government. But once the government begins to mistrust the people it is governing, it loses its mandate to rule because it is no longer acting as a spokesman for the people, but is acting as an agent of persecution."-Philip K. Dick


So, as an update to this...on June 11th, we will change our schedule, again, where I work. This is supposed to last until the start of next year...we will see. I truly hope that all of you are doing well. During this time, I have lost my oldest sister (not to Corona Virus) and we chose to delay a memorial service to a later date. I also have another sister who has recently been diagnosed with cervical cancer and will start treatment in the next couple of months. I have started playing my guitars more as a form of therapy and am interested in hearing the challenges that you guys are facing. Take care, folks.
"...the essence of the evil government is that it anticipates bad conduct on the part of its citizens. Any government which assumes that the population is going to do something evil has already lost its franchise to govern. The tacit contract between a government and the people governed is that the government will trust the people and the people will trust the government. But once the government begins to mistrust the people it is governing, it loses its mandate to rule because it is no longer acting as a spokesman for the people, but is acting as an agent of persecution."-Philip K. Dick

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