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Today at 01:32:30 AM !TTM!DonPietro 比利 says: Good to see you, Ady mate.

October 12, 2024, 06:38:30 PM Ady says: Hi all hope everyone is well

October 11, 2024, 12:29:10 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: Hello Everyone! I can probably be available on Sunday at the usual time if anyone fancies a map or two😁.

September 30, 2024, 06:57:18 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: yes mark we had a meal and a good chat. it was a good enjoyable evening.

September 26, 2024, 04:06:50 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: nice. I hope you guys have a great visit!

September 26, 2024, 10:03:54 AM !TTM!HeadUK says: zed is in the uk this week visiting a friend, so meeting up with him later and going out for a meal and a couple of drinks.

September 23, 2024, 02:22:26 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: Posted by Max Stevensen on Monday, September 23rd, 2024 (12:48)Operator
Hi robert,

The machine you are on is currently undergoing emergency maintenance due to hardware failure.
We hope it to be back online shortly.

If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Max Stevensen
Support Agent

September 23, 2024, 12:49:37 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: robert sandalls,

Thank you for contacting our support team. A support ticket has now been opened for your request. You will be notified when a response is made by email. The details of your ticket are shown below.

Subject: ffa server
Priority: High
Status: Open

September 23, 2024, 12:41:09 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: i have opened a support ticket to enquire why the server is offline.

September 23, 2024, 12:30:37 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: trying to find out why our server is offline atm, as i cant start it via the gaming deluxe control panel.

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BF1 Montage

Started by !TTM!DonPietro 比利, January 20, 2017, 08:20:30 PM

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!TTM!DonPietro 比利

Been playing this game with the boy for a week or so now and absolutely loving it, not done a montage in about 5 years lol so did one for a change :)

The best things in life are free but unfortunately people only value things that cost money.


I had a good laugh at the fella camping 1:42, bet the poor bugger was prone blocked :D


!TTM!DonPietro 比利

The best things in life are free but unfortunately people only value things that cost money.


Great montage Billy and it is a great game its all I play now  :)

!TTM!DonPietro 比利

Cheers Nigel mate, it is indeed a fantastic game
The best things in life are free but unfortunately people only value things that cost money.

Reepa creaper

nice nice  ;) i like the tunes are are the songs?


this game is fantastic. been playing it for the past month. mostly medic with mondragon rifle. the maps, sound and weather effects are just amazing.

!TTM!DonPietro 比利

True mate, by far the best battlefield ive played yet
The best things in life are free but unfortunately people only value things that cost money.

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