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December 01, 2024, 02:38:14 AM !TTM!DonPietro 比利 says: Hello to all, is anybody playing the new black ops 6? recently got it and quite enjoying it so far

November 11, 2024, 12:52:16 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: Hello Everyone! See you on the server later today! Have a good day.

October 15, 2024, 01:32:30 AM !TTM!DonPietro 比利 says: Good to see you, Ady mate.

October 12, 2024, 06:38:30 PM Ady says: Hi all hope everyone is well

October 11, 2024, 12:29:10 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: Hello Everyone! I can probably be available on Sunday at the usual time if anyone fancies a map or two😁.

September 30, 2024, 06:57:18 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: yes mark we had a meal and a good chat. it was a good enjoyable evening.

September 26, 2024, 04:06:50 PM !TTM!Mayhem says: nice. I hope you guys have a great visit!

September 26, 2024, 10:03:54 AM !TTM!HeadUK says: zed is in the uk this week visiting a friend, so meeting up with him later and going out for a meal and a couple of drinks.

September 23, 2024, 02:22:26 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: Posted by Max Stevensen on Monday, September 23rd, 2024 (12:48)Operator
Hi robert,

The machine you are on is currently undergoing emergency maintenance due to hardware failure.
We hope it to be back online shortly.

If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Max Stevensen
Support Agent

September 23, 2024, 12:49:37 PM !TTM!HeadUK says: robert sandalls,

Thank you for contacting our support team. A support ticket has now been opened for your request. You will be notified when a response is made by email. The details of your ticket are shown below.

Subject: ffa server
Priority: High
Status: Open

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Website Moved host

Started by -)DL(-Shane, May 10, 2020, 10:22:49 PM

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The Website has moved host

this has caused a small issue with the donation box as that used an older version of MYSQL database and the new host uses a new version of MYSQL database which means its no longer compatible, i have checked the smf forums and it appears the mod developer no longer updates the mod

everything else appears to be fine

any issues please let me know 


Thanks for the update Shane, and i'm positive the removal of the treasury will not effect donations. As you mentioned in your PM to me, we can resort back to the old way of dealing with donation.  :). One question though, can we use the news/news letter to anounce donations again ?. If the answer is yes then how do i get it to display on the homepage  :).


I am currently moving the host back to our original host  but in doing so i have had to upgrade the smf website and  this has made some bits no longer work, i will look to get this up and running again in the next day or 2 please bare with me


well the old theme no longer works with the current version of SMF forums so i will have to spend some time editing this one back to look something like we had before,

Simple Portal is also no longer supported on smf 2.1.3 so i have installed EZportal as this is which will allow a shout box

i will keep editing over the next few days but you can continue to post and use the site


Thanks, Shane.

Nice to see the website up and running again and your work is much appreciated.
"...the essence of the evil government is that it anticipates bad conduct on the part of its citizens. Any government which assumes that the population is going to do something evil has already lost its franchise to govern. The tacit contract between a government and the people governed is that the government will trust the people and the people will trust the government. But once the government begins to mistrust the people it is governing, it loses its mandate to rule because it is no longer acting as a spokesman for the people, but is acting as an agent of persecution."-Philip K. Dick


i just have a bit more editing to do like some of the fonts and buttons  then i think its almost done


Looking great, Shane! Thank you for the hard work.
"...the essence of the evil government is that it anticipates bad conduct on the part of its citizens. Any government which assumes that the population is going to do something evil has already lost its franchise to govern. The tacit contract between a government and the people governed is that the government will trust the people and the people will trust the government. But once the government begins to mistrust the people it is governing, it loses its mandate to rule because it is no longer acting as a spokesman for the people, but is acting as an agent of persecution."-Philip K. Dick


yes looking great shane, and your hard work is really appreciated  :)

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